Monday, September 8, 2008
Mon-Day 1
AP Chem- we still have to wait another day to get our Blackboard class available online so I'll just link the requisite files on this blog for now.
Today, we had a brief quiz on lab safety and techniques that was taken verbatim from the notes. Future tests and quizzes will involve applied knowledge, which is several degrees of difficulty higher than just repeating factual information.
We then completed our classification of matter chart, giving examples and sometimes Dalton models of various substances.
We started to discuss separation techniques that can be used to isolate substances that are just physically mixed but NOT chemically bonded/combined.
Here is a link to the Summer Assignment HW answers. Note that some answers are written directly next to the question but other answers are written on separate paper due to space requirements.
For more practice, here is a link to yet another study guide! (labeled "Csg1.pdf"). This one has more solved sample problems and a practice test with answers.
Bio 6/7- For HW, I'll give you the list of objectives tomorrow. I'll collect your work on those objectives this Friday and your test on those Unit 1 objectives will be on Monday, September 15. In the meantime, you can get reinforcement on the material that we've been covering by reading, over the course of this week, Chapter 1 of your textbook, pages 2 through 31.
We discussed the difference between a scientific HYPOTHESIS, a scientific THEORY, and a scientific LAW. VERY FEW people know what these terms really mean. Now you know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory and the difference between a theory and a law; good for you. Share your knowledge!
We applied the scientific method to a drug testing simulation. Tomorrow, we will quickly summarize the remaining questions and show the flaws that could have easily occurred if the scientific method were not followed.
Bio 8 - For HW, I'll give you the list of objectives tomorrow. I'll collect your work on those objectives this Friday and your test on those Unit 1 objectives will be on Monday, September 15. In the meantime, you can get reinforcement on the material that we've been covering by reading, over the course of this week, Chapter 1 of your textbook, pages 2 through 31.
We discussed the difference between a scientific HYPOTHESIS, a scientific THEORY, and a scientific LAW. VERY FEW people know what these terms really mean. Now you know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory and the difference between a theory and a law; good for you. Share your knowledge!
We then did a worksheet on the scientific method in order to give you some practice with various ways of stating a hypothesis, a conclusion, a testable problem, or an experimental procedure.
Today, we had a brief quiz on lab safety and techniques that was taken verbatim from the notes. Future tests and quizzes will involve applied knowledge, which is several degrees of difficulty higher than just repeating factual information.
We then completed our classification of matter chart, giving examples and sometimes Dalton models of various substances.
We started to discuss separation techniques that can be used to isolate substances that are just physically mixed but NOT chemically bonded/combined.
Here is a link to the Summer Assignment HW answers. Note that some answers are written directly next to the question but other answers are written on separate paper due to space requirements.
For more practice, here is a link to yet another study guide! (labeled "Csg1.pdf"). This one has more solved sample problems and a practice test with answers.
Bio 6/7- For HW, I'll give you the list of objectives tomorrow. I'll collect your work on those objectives this Friday and your test on those Unit 1 objectives will be on Monday, September 15. In the meantime, you can get reinforcement on the material that we've been covering by reading, over the course of this week, Chapter 1 of your textbook, pages 2 through 31.
We discussed the difference between a scientific HYPOTHESIS, a scientific THEORY, and a scientific LAW. VERY FEW people know what these terms really mean. Now you know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory and the difference between a theory and a law; good for you. Share your knowledge!
We applied the scientific method to a drug testing simulation. Tomorrow, we will quickly summarize the remaining questions and show the flaws that could have easily occurred if the scientific method were not followed.
Bio 8 - For HW, I'll give you the list of objectives tomorrow. I'll collect your work on those objectives this Friday and your test on those Unit 1 objectives will be on Monday, September 15. In the meantime, you can get reinforcement on the material that we've been covering by reading, over the course of this week, Chapter 1 of your textbook, pages 2 through 31.
We discussed the difference between a scientific HYPOTHESIS, a scientific THEORY, and a scientific LAW. VERY FEW people know what these terms really mean. Now you know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory and the difference between a theory and a law; good for you. Share your knowledge!
We then did a worksheet on the scientific method in order to give you some practice with various ways of stating a hypothesis, a conclusion, a testable problem, or an experimental procedure.