Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
Welcome back, students! I hope that you all had a great, interesting, exciting, and restful summer. I couldn't get enough of the Olympics in all of its forms and I hope to see and nurture that pursuit of excellence in our class this year.
Here's what we did today:
AP Chemistry: we discussed the course outline and the class expectations; we got our texts and just began our demonstrations of lab safety. Reminder: Bring in the signed course requirements section, which signifies that your parent or guardian understands the course requirements.
Biology 6/7: we discussed the course outline and the class expectations; we got our texts and began an overview of the Living Environment curriculum. Reminder: Bring in the signed course requirements section, which signifies that your parent(s) or guardian(s) understands the course requirements.
Biology 8: we discussed the course outline, class expectations and then we got our texts.
Reminder: Bring in the signed course requirements section, which signifies that your parent(s) or guardian(s) understands the course requirements.
Biology 8: we discussed the course outline, class expectations and then we got our texts.
Reminder: Bring in the signed course requirements section, which signifies that your parent(s) or guardian(s) understands the course requirements.