Monday, June 2, 2008


Mon-Day 2

Bio- make sure that you have your red review books in class every day.
We will do Regents review and final lab folder check tomorrow.

Chem 7/8- we calculated the various permutations of nuclear "half-life" questions. Radioisotopes randomly decay but in such a way that the time required for HALF of the remaining sample to decay is a CONSTANT i.e. the "half-life" time of the given isotope.
We also discussed fission, the splitting of a heavier nucleus into lighter nuclei, and FUSION, the joining of two light nuclei (usually H) to form a heavier nucleus (usually He).

Chem 9- we calculated the various permutations of nuclear "half-life" questions. Radioisotopes randomly decay but in such a way that the time required for HALF of the remaining sample to decay is a CONSTANT i.e. the "half-life" time of the given isotope.

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