Thursday, April 3, 2008


Thurs-Day 2

Bio- we illustrated and described four types of chromosomal mutations/alterations: large segments of DNA are sometimes transferred from one chromosome to another nonhomologous chromosome; sometimes a segment of a chromosome is duplicated, inverted, or deleted. Because SEVERAL genes are usually transferred during these chromosomal alterations, the phenotype changes can be extreme or lethal.
We also reviewed common point genetic mutations such as substitution, addition, or deletion of a single nucleotide in the DNA molecule/chromosome. An addition or deletion causes a serious phenotype change because there are THREE nucleotides per codon; so, adding or deleting a SINGLE nucleotide can cause a whole frameshift in how the triplets are transcribed.

Chem 7/8- we took our Equilibrium unit exam and then we began preparation for next Tuesday and Wednesday's quarterly exam.

Chem 9- we took our Equilibrium unit exam.

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