Friday, April 18, 2008


Fri-Day 1

Have a HAPPY, restful, and fun vacation!

Bio- we discussed Darwin's FIVE factors that produce the evolutionary changes within a species and cause the formation of new species.
Natural Selection
Darwin's ideas stemmed from decades of observations of the natural world. His same ideas were independently conceived and supported by Sir Alfred Wallace.
We will further explore and give specific examples of Darwinism and then modify that theory due to its limitations and inability to answer certain questions.

Chem 7- we did some solution dilution problems and then learned about the COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES of solutions. Colligative properties are freezing point DEPRESSION, boiling point ELEVATION, and vapor pressure LOWERING and are due solely to the CONCENTRATION of solute particles in solution. Since IONIC COMPOUNDS dissociate into two or more moles of ions per mole of salt dissolved, each mole of salt dissolved has a greater colligative effect i.e. an even LOWER freezing point, an even higher boiling point than a mole of a molecular compound (with the possible exception of strong acids).

Chem 8/9-
we did some solution dilution problems and then learned about the COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES of solutions. Colligative properties are freezing point DEPRESSION, boiling point ELEVATION, and vapor pressure LOWERING and are due solely to the CONCENTRATION of solute particles in solution. Since IONIC COMPOUNDS dissociate into two or more moles of ions per mole of salt dissolved, each mole of salt dissolved has a greater colligative effect i.e. an even LOWER freezing point, an even higher boiling point than a mole of a molecular compound (with the possible exception of strong acids).

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