Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Wednes-Day 1

Bio- HW: have tests signed by parent/guardian and return the tests to me tomorrow. Text Section 37.2 outline (except for the subsection on "ABO Blood Groups") is due on Thursday.

We described and illustrated the structure and function of the heart. We noted that the heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. We described the heart's pumping action: the two atria simultaneously beat, sending deoxygenated blood from the right atrium through the open right A-V valve to the right ventricle just below it while sending freshly oxygenated blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Then, in about one second, the two ventricles simultaneously contract, sending deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries while oxygenated blood gets pumped from the left ventricle to the aorta.

The heartbeat that is heard ("lub-dub" sound) is the result of the A-V valves slamming shut to avoid backflow of blood from ventricles to atria after the atria have contracted ("lub") and then the "semilunar"/mitral valves strongly slamming shut ("dub") to avoid backflow of blood from aorta to left ventricle or from pulmonary arteries to right ventricle after the ventricles have contracted.

We discussed the three types/regions of blood circulation, each with a particular purpose:

systemic circulation: the most far-reaching circulation of blood throughout the body from the heart to aorta to arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins and back to the heart.

coronary circulation: the sending of blood FROM the heart TO the heart via coronary arteries; blockage of these arteries causes a heart attack.

pulmonary (lung) circulation: the transport of blood from heart to lungs and back to the heart so that oxygen can diffuse from the lungs to the red blood cells and that carbon dioxide can be released from the blood cells and diffuse into the lungs.

Chem 7- IMPORTANT: start studying for next Friday's quarterly exam. There is an EXTENSIVE review question packet on Blackboard filed in the "REVIEW MATERIALS" link. That test will be your last chance to increase your quarterly average.

we took the all-important Bonding/
IMFA test today; the first three tests that I glanced at while walking around the class ALL contained the errors FOREWARNED about in the post from Monday and which I also carefully and explicitly warned the class about during review yesterday. It really pays to heed the test advice.

Chem 8/9:
IMPORTANT: start studying for next Friday's quarterly exam. There is an EXTENSIVE review question packet on Blackboard filed in the "REVIEW MATERIALS" link. That test will be your last chance to improve your quarterly average.

we took the all-important Bonding/IMFA test today. Some of you did not heed the warning from Monday's blog-post and from yesterday's review lesson. It really pays to heed the test advice.

We continued our writeup of the conductivity lab. We will complete that and the molecular model lab writeup quickly on Friday.

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