Sunday, January 27, 2008


Chemistry Quarterly Multiple Choice Exam

For Monday's exam, in addition to all material from the second quarter, make sure that you do some problems/review the following types of problems:

1. gas law calculations involving changes in P, V, and/or T (practice using the formulas that are on the Reference Tables); all of the old worksheets and answers are still on Blackboard!
2. heating and cooling curve calculations of heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, and
q(heat) = m c "delta"T calculations (formulas are on the Reference Tables); all of the old worksheets and answers are still on Blackboard!

Also, from the Atomic Structure unit, you are responsible for knowing the quantum mechanical model of the atom including s,p,d,f electron configurations and orbital notations.

Be prepared so that you can use this opportunity to increase your understanding and improve your grade.

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