Friday, December 14, 2007


Fri-Day 1

Bio- Reminder: for hw, outline text Section 34.2, which I will collect on Monday; Section 34.3 outline will be due on Tuesday.
we discussed some of the common joints formed at various parts of the skeletal system. Different joints allow for different types/ranges of motion. For example, a ball-and-socket joint allows for rotational motion of the arms or legs whereas a hinge joint allows for movement towards and away from the body.

We then showed and discussed the purpose/function of cartilage, the supportive and flexible tissue that is found at the ends of each bone.
We discussed some of the major diseases of the skeletal system:
arthritis-inflammation of the joints, which can have various causes, genetic and environmental tendonitis- inflamed tendons, which connect bone to muscle
GOUT- the deposit of solid uric acid crystals into joints, which causes swelling (from osmosis and from other fluids) and pain
We also discussed some of the major bones of the human skeleton.

We then analyzed the three types of muscle tissue:
1. skeletal muscle, which is VOLUNTARY (you consciously decide when to contract skeletal muscles), STRIATED/STRIPED in appearance, and they each typically have more than one nucleus!
2. cardiac muscle, which is heart muscle- involuntary (your heart beats independently of your conscious decision), STRIATED/STRIPED, and very strong.
3. smooth muscle, which lines your digestive tract organs as well as your arteries- this muscle is NOT STRIPED but SMOOTH in appearance, it is INVOLUNTARY i.e. your arteries will pulse/squeeze/contract whether or not you consciously want them to.

We did a lab activity that compared the relative strength of the antagonistic muscle pair, the biceps and triceps. Muscles come in antagonistic groups such that when one of the two muscles in the group is flexing, the other is relaxing; the antagonistic muscles move the bones in opposite directions.
Your bicep is a flexor, causing your arm to move towards your body but the tricep is an extensor, causing your arm to extend away from your body.
The "Sports Injury" part of the lab will be posted this weekend. Do the lab yourself and then check your answers. We will finish up the lab on Tuesday.

Chem 7- check out Blackboard, there are a LOT of extra help files (with ANSWERS) for you to practice with over this weekend and before the exam on Thursday. I also posted the answers to the worksheets that we did during our double-periods; check your answers and ask me in class about anything that you didn't understand.
We discussed the properties of active metals, showing that Fr must be the most active metal i.e. easily loses its valence electron/becomes a cation because its valence electrons are so weakly attracted to its nucleus; this is due to the low Zeff (+1) and high number of OPEL's (7)/much electron shielding from the kernel electrons (87 protons BUT 86 shielding electrons!)
We also discussed the properties of active NONMETALS, showing that F must be the most active nonmetal i.e. easily GAINS a new valence electron / becomes an ANION because any electron that comes near its valence shell experiences a HIGH Zeff (+7) and is relatively close to the F nucleus (only 2 OPEL's, less electron shielding) so that electron will be strongly attracted to the F nucleus.
We then further discussed some general properties of the various groups of the Periodic Table.
We showed Mendeleev's criteria for the Periodic Table: arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic mass and grouping by similar chemical properties/types of compounds formed.
This periodic table led to an anomaly involving Te and I. Though Te has a greater atomic mass than I, Mendeleev placed Te in the group before I to keep the chemical properties of both groups consistent.
Later on, this discrepancy was resolved when the elements were arranged in order of atomic number/number of PROTONS. Of course, it is the number of protons, NOT the atomic mass, that directly affects chemical properties by dictating the number of electrons and VALENCE electrons of an atom. Generally, ONLY valence electrons are lost, gained, or shared in chemical reactions.
See the summary notes on Blackboard regarding Mendeleev and the modern Periodic Table arrangement.

Chem 8/9-
check out Blackboard, there are a LOT of extra help files (with ANSWERS) for you to practice with over this weekend and before the exam on Thursday. I also posted the answers to the worksheets that we did during our double-periods; check your answers and ask me in class about anything that you didn't understand.
We discussed the properties of active metals, showing that Fr must be the most active metal i.e. easily loses its valence electron/becomes a cation because its valence electrons are so weakly attracted to its nucleus; this is due to the low Zeff (+1) and high number of OPEL's (7)/much electron shielding from the kernel electrons (87 protons BUT 86 shielding electrons!)
We also discussed the properties of active NONMETALS, showing that F must be the most active nonmetal i.e. easily GAINS a new valence electron / becomes an ANION because any electron that comes near its valence shell experiences a HIGH Zeff (+7) and is relatively close to the F nucleus (only 2 OPEL's, less electron shielding) so that electron will be strongly attracted to the F nucleus.
We then further discussed some general properties of the various groups of the Periodic Table.
We showed Mendeleev's criteria for the Periodic Table: arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic mass and grouping by similar chemical properties/types of compounds formed.
This periodic table led to an anomaly involving Te and I. Though Te has a greater atomic mass than I, Mendeleev placed Te in the group before I to keep the chemical properties of both groups consistent.
Later on, this discrepancy was resolved when the elements were arranged in order of atomic number/number of PROTONS. Of course, it is the number of protons, NOT the atomic mass, that directly affects chemical properties by dictating the number of electrons and VALENCE electrons of an atom. Generally, ONLY valence electrons are lost, gained, or shared in chemical reactions.
See the summary notes on Blackboard regarding Mendeleev and the modern Periodic Table arrangement.
We then did an important activity worksheet that gives you practice locating relevant quantitative information (electronegativity, first IE, number of valence electrons) about elements so that you can see trends in various properties/measurements across each period and down each group. Of course, all of these trends are EXPLAINED in terms of Zeff and OPEL's/electron shielding.
I saw that a LOT of you had questions about the QM electron configurations. Keep practicing drawing out the sublevels in order of increasing energy and then you will not have a problem.
For example: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 MORE than you'll ever need.
I will collect this activity after we discuss it on Tuesday.

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