Friday, November 9, 2007
Fri-Day 2
Bio- Reminder: HW for this weekend is to outline text section 11.3; I'll collect that on Tuesday; I will return your 11.2 outlines (grades on Blackboard) and your test corrections on Tuesday, also.
Murphy's Law struck us again today and, to add insult to injury, the projector/laptop worked fine just after the period ended (aaarghh! - haha?). Anyway, I was going to start with the "translation" video that is posted on Blackboard- view that repeatedly, this weekend.
The second important point is that, after considering our very complex and detailed drawing that showed not only transcription and translation (considered from the curly eyelash protein and working backwards -you all did very well with that!), but also the sites and organelles involved (nucleus and ribosomes), I have made one alteration to our class notes:
It is easier for us to process the information from "left to right" so I re-drew our notes with that orientation. This way, the codons are aligned in the correct order both individually and consecutively. The codons written in class were correct individually, but there consecutive base sequence was INCORRECT (my mistake).
So, just download the notes from Blackboard to replace your notes from today.
Thank you.
We will do more transcription and translation; then, we will show how mutations in the chromosomal DNA can lead to the production of "mutant" proteins (enzymes, etc.) which may lead to different traits.
Chem 7/8- HW for this weekend: as part of your review for the Quarterly Exam, do corrections on both the Gas Law test and the Kinetics/Entropy test. I will count your corrections as a hw grade, which can further boost your quarterly average.
Remember, that your corrections MUST explain HOW and WHY a given answer is correct. Often (almost always) a drawing, diagram, or sample calculation in NECESSARY for a sufficient correction.
If the corrections are done thoroughly, you will see that they naturally prepare you for the upcoming exam. If a question is unanswerable to you after you check the notes and text, email me so I can give you direction or see me at extra help in Room 301 on Tuesday morning.
We reviewed the Gas Laws exam and then we began our quarterly exam review. Revisit your past exams, homework packets, and worksheets; there, you will find examples of every single question type that can be asked on the Quarterly. Do something each day and go all out on Monday night.
Chem 9- HW for this weekend: as part of your review for the Quarterly Exam, do corrections on both the Gas Law test and the Kinetics/Entropy test. I will count your corrections as a hw grade, which can further boost your quarterly average.
Remember, that your corrections MUST explain HOW and WHY a given answer is correct. Often (almost always) a drawing, diagram, or sample calculation in NECESSARY for a sufficient correction.
If the corrections are done thoroughly, you will see that they naturally prepare you for the upcoming exam. If a question is unanswerable to you after you check the notes and text, email me so I can give you direction or see me at extra help in Room 301 on Tuesday morning.
We reviewed the Gas Laws exam and then we began our quarterly exam review. Revisit your past exams, homework packets, and worksheets; there, you will find examples of every single question type that can be asked on the Quarterly. Do something each day and go all out on Monday night.
Murphy's Law struck us again today and, to add insult to injury, the projector/laptop worked fine just after the period ended (aaarghh! - haha?). Anyway, I was going to start with the "translation" video that is posted on Blackboard- view that repeatedly, this weekend.
The second important point is that, after considering our very complex and detailed drawing that showed not only transcription and translation (considered from the curly eyelash protein and working backwards -you all did very well with that!), but also the sites and organelles involved (nucleus and ribosomes), I have made one alteration to our class notes:
It is easier for us to process the information from "left to right" so I re-drew our notes with that orientation. This way, the codons are aligned in the correct order both individually and consecutively. The codons written in class were correct individually, but there consecutive base sequence was INCORRECT (my mistake).
So, just download the notes from Blackboard to replace your notes from today.
Thank you.
We will do more transcription and translation; then, we will show how mutations in the chromosomal DNA can lead to the production of "mutant" proteins (enzymes, etc.) which may lead to different traits.
Chem 7/8- HW for this weekend: as part of your review for the Quarterly Exam, do corrections on both the Gas Law test and the Kinetics/Entropy test. I will count your corrections as a hw grade, which can further boost your quarterly average.
Remember, that your corrections MUST explain HOW and WHY a given answer is correct. Often (almost always) a drawing, diagram, or sample calculation in NECESSARY for a sufficient correction.
If the corrections are done thoroughly, you will see that they naturally prepare you for the upcoming exam. If a question is unanswerable to you after you check the notes and text, email me so I can give you direction or see me at extra help in Room 301 on Tuesday morning.
We reviewed the Gas Laws exam and then we began our quarterly exam review. Revisit your past exams, homework packets, and worksheets; there, you will find examples of every single question type that can be asked on the Quarterly. Do something each day and go all out on Monday night.
Chem 9- HW for this weekend: as part of your review for the Quarterly Exam, do corrections on both the Gas Law test and the Kinetics/Entropy test. I will count your corrections as a hw grade, which can further boost your quarterly average.
Remember, that your corrections MUST explain HOW and WHY a given answer is correct. Often (almost always) a drawing, diagram, or sample calculation in NECESSARY for a sufficient correction.
If the corrections are done thoroughly, you will see that they naturally prepare you for the upcoming exam. If a question is unanswerable to you after you check the notes and text, email me so I can give you direction or see me at extra help in Room 301 on Tuesday morning.
We reviewed the Gas Laws exam and then we began our quarterly exam review. Revisit your past exams, homework packets, and worksheets; there, you will find examples of every single question type that can be asked on the Quarterly. Do something each day and go all out on Monday night.