Monday, October 29, 2007


Mon-Day 2

Bio- we reviewed the properties of DNA that enable it to self-replicate as long as there is a supply of nucleotides (A,T,G, and C) in the nucleus; since A only pairs with T and G only pairs with C to form the long double-helix chain shaped molecule, when the chain "unzips" to begin replication, only the SAME/identical base pairings AND sequence of base pairs can form; in other words, the DNA molecule is a TEMPLATE/PATTERN/BLUEPRINT for itself. Thus, TWO identical double-helix chain shaped molecules form.
These TWO DNA molecules are the TWO "sister" chromatids initially joined at a CENTROMERE to form one chromosome during the S phase of interphase.

We then discussed FIVE different types of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION: this is reproduction that results in OFFSPRING that are GENETICALLY the SAME as/IDENTICAL to the parent cell OR organism.
1. Binary Fission - occurs in bacteria ( NO mitosis because there is NO nucleus, though the end result is the same: two cells with identical chromosomes)
2. Budding- in YEAST and Hydra; the UNEVEN division of cytoplasm BUT the formation of GENETICALLY IDENTICAL daughter cells.
3. Sporulation- in molds (and some plants) - the spores formed via mitosis are all genetically identical; these spores are dispersed/distributed/disseminated by wind or water and the spores will develop/germinate when conditions (moisture, nutrients, temperature) are favorable.
4. Regeneration - in MULTICELLULAR organisms such as the starfish and planaria (NOT in complex, highly cell-specialized vertebrates); a starfish or planaria can be chopped into pieces and then genetically identical and complete starfish or planaria can develop via mitotic cell division.
5. Vegetative Propagation- in PLANTS. Genetically identical plants can be bred via
-1) cutting- many plants/flowers
-2) grafting - typically fruit trees and bushes
-3) layering- typically plants with above ground vines or stems that touch the ground
of already formed plants.

Chem 7/8: we looked at the GRAPHICAL versions of each of the gas laws. We saw that all BUT ONE of the gas laws showed a LINEAR, direct proportional relationship (Charles's Law, both Avogadro's Laws, and Gay-Lussac's Law). The one law that necessarily shows an inverse relationship (because when you put PRESSURE on a gas, its volume SHRINKS/DECREASES) is Boyle's Law which shows that, as pressure goes up, volume goes down, given constant Temperature and number of molecules of gas.
We then focused on Avogadro's Law in a more colloquial way (which we then proved via the ideal gas law): given equal temperature and pressure, EQUAL VOLUMES of ANY gas or gases contain an EQUAL number of molecules; e.g. a two liter container of Helium gas and a two liter container of carbon dioxide gas at the SAME temperature and pressure will have the SAME EXACT number of molecules in their containers. This was Avogadro's great hypothesis that has been tested and supported in millions of experiments; since his statement does not EXPLAIN this phenomena, Avogadro's statement is a LAW, not a THEORY. Ultimately, Avogadro's Law can be explained by Kinetic Molecular Theory.
We also reviewed the two factors that contribute to the kinetic energy of a particle: velocity AND mass. So given the same average kinetic energies/temperatures, a heavier molecular weight gas has slower molecules than a lighter molecular weight gas.

Chem 9 - Bring in an empty, 12-ounce soda can for tomorrow's lab period. Good times.
today, we looked at the GRAPHICAL version of Boyle's and Charles's laws. We will do the other gas law graphs, tomorrow.
The one law that necessarily shows an inverse relationship (because when you put PRESSURE on a gas, its volume SHRINKS/DECREASES) is Boyle's Law which shows that, as pressure goes up, volume goes down, given constant Temperature and number of molecules of gas.
We also reviewed the two factors that contribute to the kinetic energy of a particle: velocity AND mass. So given the same average kinetic energies/temperatures, a heavier molecular weight gas has slower molecules than a lighter molecular weight gas.

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