Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Wednesday, Day 2

Bio- today we discussed some microscopy with respect to field of view, magnification, and image orientation. We also saw how to prepare a "wet mount" slide of cells with a cover slip so that there are no air bubbles. Here is a MICROSCOPE USE POWERPOINT for further review. We will apply this information in lab on Monday.
We then continued our discussion of the life processes common to all organisms/living things/cellular life forms. Starting with the sum total of all life processes, METABOLISM, we described several of the life processes that organisms perform in order to stay alive.
Here is a link to the LIFE PROCESSES POWERPOINT that we followed today.

For HW, which I will collect next TUESDAY, using my section 1.1 outline as a model/template, finish outlining section 1.2 and then outline section 1.3 of your textbook. Outlines must be handwritten, NOT TYPED, so that you can get the written sense memory reinforcement that you will apply on your unit tests. Outlines will be assessed up to 10, 15, or 20 points depending on section length and will be judged on thoroughness, appearance (so that you can read from them and use them as study tools throughout the year), and punctuality.

Chem 7/8- today we discussed the well-known difference between a "measurement" and (merely) a "number". We also explained the abstruse (known by few!) difference between "accuracy" (= TRUTH) and "precision" (= DETAIL, number of SIG FIGS, REPRODUCIBILITY OF MEASUREMENT). We then related precision to significant figures and learned the SEPARATE rules for addition/subtraction with sig figs vs. multiplication/division with sig. figs.
We also learned the standard way to write numbers in scientific notation, which always and only shows the significant figures of a number.
I'll post a link or worksheet for that so that you can practice and get instant feedback.

During our measurement lab, a few problems became apparent:
-quarters did not fit into the smaller graduated cylinders
-the larger graduated cylinders were unwieldy and difficult to weigh

We will discuss and correct any of these problems at the beginning of our next lab day.

Chem 9- today we discussed the well-known difference between a "measurement" and (merely) a "number". We also explained the abstruse (known by few!) difference between "accuracy" (= TRUTH) and "precision" (= DETAIL, number of SIG FIGS, REPRODUCIBILITY OF MEASUREMENT). We then related precision to significant figures and learned the SEPARATE rules for addition/subtraction with sig figs vs. multiplication/division with sig. figs.
On Monday, we will apply these rules during Measurement Lab. We will also convert numbers to scientific notation, which shows ONLY the significant figures of a given number.
I'll post a link or worksheet for that so that you can practice and get instant feedback.

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