Monday, September 30, 2013


Mon-Day 2

Chem 5 - discussed calculator work for gravimetric determination of ionic mass of M 3+;
was missing a "3" in the numerator for sulfate; go over tomorrow, showing alternate solutions for percent mass of M 3+ or even just for S !
Go over test; sig figs. Do 4 gas forming reactions.

Introduced proper stoichiometry, and determination of limiting and excess reactant.
Showed the meaning of "moles of reaction".

Began butanol combustion stoichiometry question up to moles of reactants and ratios.

7/8- began gravimetric analysis determination of unknown; finished that, and then started stoichiometry through 1-butanol question.

Tomorrow, go over gravimetric reverse engineering. go over test ; sig figs.
do Wohler synthesis limited reactant question. Do 4 gas-forming reactions

APB- finished kinematics packet with baseball question; did monkey-hunter question.
Discussed writeup of graphical analysis lab.
Tomorrow - give out review packets; quiz thursday.
Begin Dynamics.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Fri-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - completed combustion analysis; did gravimetric analysis problem up to equation setup - solved answer to post on Edline.

Monday - begin stoichiometry.

8 - finished combustion analysis problem.

APB - considered asymmetric paths - max height formula still works.
Did packet problem. Post answers to HW 10-12, and packet problems.
Wrap up on Monday with monkey-hunter, and review packet. Test Thursday.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Thurs-Day 2

Chem 5 - finished percent composition to empirical formula for a hydrated salt.
Explained combustion analysis, and began the problem that analyzes p-cresol.

Tomorrow - begin by handing out decimal to rational fraction chart - will be used all of the time in upcoming units.
Do gravimetric analysis via gram method (show mol method only on video).
Begin stoichiometry

7/8- did the reverse engineering percent composition to empirical formula for compounds and also for hydrates.
Began process of combustion analysis, but did not do the question yet.

APB - derived all kinematic formulas (max range, max height, flight time) for a symmetric path depending on v0, theta, and g.
Compiled data for graphical analysis lab.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Wednes-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - Unit 1/2 exam.
Showed determination and application of integer scaling factor to determine molecular from empirical formula.

8 - Unit 1/2 exam. Put up point values.

APB - showed the freefall pattern among t, v, and y using g =10 ms^-2

explained independence of vertical and horizontal motion. (show vector picture of that tomorrow!)
Began projectile motion with a standard and detailed organizer.
Applied organizer to a projectile motion question.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Tues-Day 2

Chem 5 - completed fractional and percent composition by mass; did calculations of masses of elements of a compound for a specific sample size; did the same with hydrated salts.
Explained the process of determining empirical formula from percent composition.

Chem 7/8 - did GFM and then the same as period 5 up to intro to percent comp to empirical formula via reverse engineering.

APB - finished velocity vs. time descriptions and translation to acceleration vs. time.
Collected graphical analysis data for lab 2.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Mon-Day 1

Chem 4/5 reviewed a few multiple proportion ptoblems;
finished AP Magic triangle, and then went on to GFM, and then percent composition by mass of molecules, salts, and hydrated salts.
Tomorrow, percent composition to empirical formula (print notes!)

Test is Wednesday - single period only (a rare exception).

Chem 8 - reviewed a few multiple proportion ptoblems; finished AP Magic triangle;
just introduced gram formula mass calculations.

APB - covered remaining position vs time, v vs t, and a vs t per situation.
Did a projectile/free fall example.
Covered packet problem sets on position vs. time graphs with calculations.

Tomorrow - do packet v vs. time / distance calculation graph problems.
Begin projectile motion.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Fri-Day 2

Chem 5 - covered isotopes, weighted average, mass specs and calculations of percent abundance.

7/8- detailed Avogadro's Law as applied to determining molecular coefficients, and coefficients in balanced equations.
covered isotopes, weighted average, mass specs and calculations of percent abundance.
Did AP Magic Triangle through volume.

APB- reviewed kinematics exam part 1.
Did graphical analysis of motion graphs comparing s, v, and a versus t, for linear velocity vs. time cases.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Thurs-Day 1

Chem 4/5 -did burner combustion and decomposition equations.
Did acid base safety and equations.

Covered Avogadro's Law and applied it to determination of molecular formulas.

8- discussed law of mult proportion problem and series of correct answers;
explained Avogadro's Law and its applications.
Tomorrow, finish Avogadro showing the determination of mono, di , trimolecular compounds.

APB - took unit 1 exam on Vectors and Kinematics.
Tomorrow, continue with motion graphs, HW 8, qualitative descriptions.
Assign g lab writeup.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Wednes-Day 2

Chem 5 - did complete combustion equation and fully explained the thermodynamics and coulombic sources of PE/enthalpy changes. DID NOT do anything else.

Tomorrow - finish combustion eqs with thermo, do acid base eq for acid base spill
Immediately Avogadro, cannizaro, moles.

Chem 7/8 - finished acid base spill safety and equations.
Did Dalton's Laws of constant composition and multiple proportions; law vs. Theory vs. theory.
HW is XY multiple prop. question.

Tomorrow - Avogadro, canniz, moles.

APB- began the graphical analysis of motion; went over every common type of relationship between independent and dependent variables, showed the curve or line trend, showed how to linearize each relationship to get the constant of proportionality. Applied real numbers to some examples.
Applied the lesson to newton's universal law of gravitation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Tues-Day 1

AP Chem 4/5 - finished burner lab safety (but need to do equations and thermo explanation tomorrow!)
Did Law of Multiple Proportions with fractions.

Tomorrow, Avogadro's Law/Cannizzaro and then begin formal mole concept.

8 - did quick acid base example.
finished thermo of combustion; covered Coulomb's Law/PE relationship

did strong acid/weak base demo

tomorrow - go over quiz! advise.
finish lab safety equations.
do Law of Mult etc.

APB - discussed force fields in general, and then the specifics of gravitational fields.
Showed Newton's universal gravitation law and related the variables to the physical outcome.
Related field strength in N per kg to acceleration in m per s^2.
Showed meaning of field line arrows and concentration of lines at a given distance.

Collected field data for determination of g.
3 times per student, one height measure per student.

Tomorrow, begin graphical analysis of motion.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Mon-Day 2

Chem 5 - explained percent/fractional mass and its inference to constant ratio of different element's atoms per molecular compound.
We also showed how Dalton deduced those ratios (in simplest form) for different compounds of the same element.
Tomorrow - analyze quiz, finish lab safety on burners and acid/base spills.
Begin moles, atomic mass, etc.

7/8 - did Bunsen burner lab safety and adjustments; still must do acid base safety, tomorrow.
Analyzed combustion equations and decomposition equation.
Started thermodynamic explanation.
Clearly show relationship between bond strength and stability/PE/enthalpy, tomorrow.

Tomorrow - finish lab safety, analyze quiz.

APB - finished kinematics packet and extra mouse kinematics problem
Discussed "determination of g" procedure as well as all potential sources of variation.

Tomorrow - cover gravitational fields and finalize exam date.
do g lab.
Wednesday, begin Unit 2.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Fri-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - took quiz on equation writing, classification of matter, and separation techniques.
Did Law of constant composition - isotopes, weighted avg, amu to grams. percent and fraction by mass.

Give out 5  missing % comp note packets!!!

8 - took quiz, reverse engineered double replacements, began lab safety - just up to coarse adjustments.

APB- quiz on kinematics and vectors.
Did question 5 in the freefall packet.
Post rest of the answers on Edline.
Post review packet on Edline.

Began how to of data collection; sources of variation, minimizing percent variation.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Thurs-Day 2

Chem 5 - did double replacement acid base neutralization reactions.
Post ws to edline.
Quiz and begin quantitative chem tomorrow.

7/8 - finished classification of matter; covered double replacement/acid-base neutralization
Began law of constant composition.

quiz and then up to magic triangle tomorrow.

APB - did contrasting sign convention problems; proper unit placement and cancellation.
Did several freefall problems.
Started to discuss scientific data collection, inquiry, and the determination of g lab.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Wednes-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - did double replacement with precip equations starting with one of the salts in solid phase.
Explained physical vs. chemical properties, and then drew out and explained the four separation techniques.

Fully detailed the classification of matter.
Tomorrow: begin with acid-base neutralization double replacement reactions.
-then begin quantitative chem. Quiz Friday.

8: Explained physical vs. chemical properties, and then drew out and explained the four separation techniques.

Did the classification of matter up to mixtures.

AP B: discussed the conditions of freefall and then applied kinematic equations to those situations.
 discussed the importance of sign conventions in kinematic equations - (stress sign of a and v, and magnitude of g).

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Tues-Day 2

AP Chem 5 - finished double replacement with precipitation equation writing. began physical vs. chemical change.

AP Chem 7/8- finished double replacement with precipitation equation writing.
Contrasted physical vs. chemical change; began separation techniques how and why.
Tomorrow - classification of matter, acid-base neut double replacement.

Physics - derived kinematics equations (add vf = v0 + at);

Monday, September 9, 2013


Mon-Day 1

AP Chem 4/5 - finished our discussion of solubility rules via an animation of an ionic substance dissolving, and noting the competition between ionic bonding in the salt lattice and ion-dipole attractions between the ions and surrounding water/solvent molecules.
We discussed acid naming, the six strong acids, and what the terms strong acid and weak acid mean in terms of percent ionization in aqueous solution at equilibrium.
We then began equation writing for the first (double replacement with precipitation) of about ten difference chemical reaction types.
Check Edline for tutorials, files, etc.
Tomorrow, we will go over classification of matter, continue with equation writing, and various techniques for separating types of matter based on physical property differences.

AP 8 - Continued with equation writing for our first reaction type: double replacement.
Went over non-metals/standard charges of their anions, weak acids vs. strong acids.

APB - Began kinematics with definitions, common misconceptions between v and a, distance vs displacement. Did basic velocity , distance, displacement problems.
Tomorrow begin by deriving two main kinematics equations that rely on the constant acceleration assumption.

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