Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Wednes-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - finished Graham's Law, v rms related to T of gas, and introduced the meaning and purpose of correction factors in the Pascal Gas equation.
Tomorrow, finish Pascal/Cannizaro...Friday begins Quantum

8 - finished Graham, and did a v rms question on nitrogen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Tues-Day 2

Chem 5 - finished discussing the gas laws in terms of molecular collision frequency and
avg. KE/force of collisions. .
We qualitatively derived Graham's Law of diffusion of gases, and then did a problem with xenon and helium

Tomorrow, finish unit with Graham, avg speed of molecule, Pascal, and Cannizzaro method.

Chem 7/8 - same as 5.

APB - did vertical circular motion question. Ask about net force on mass when mass is on side of vertical circle.
Did banked curve problem; go over banked curve with friction answer tomorrow.

Then finish up unit with various other standard questions, solved with variables.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Mon-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - finished second bulb stoich question; did gas collection over water problem and explained permutations of them.
Started to analyze gas law graphs, and introduced Bolzmann KE graphs.

Tomorrow - finish gas law explanations and begin Graham and Pascal!! Must finish on Wednesday!

8 - finished stoichiometry and began gas law explanations.

APB - finished mu friction experiment; did circular motion graphical relations; related T, m, v, r,Fc, ac

did circular motion with friction as a center directed force component.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Fri-Day 2

Chem 5 - finished bulb question.
Monday, do second bulb question with more complex numbers.

Went back to collection of gas over water, revisiting Dalton's Laws.
Monday, explain why not all gases can be collected this way, e.g. NH3.

Chem 7/8 - finished collection of gas over water; did two bulb stoich problems.
Started gas law explanations.
Finish those on Monday; Graham and Pascal on Tuesday - end of unit!

APB - fully derived acceleration direction and magnitude for uniform circular motion; then get net force towards center of arc/circle by using Newton 2.

Monday - explain whole point of derivation; v^2/r does not come from nowhere, and it is the true acceleration at each point on a circular path towards the center.
explain why things moving in a circle "feel" pushed "outward" i.e. circular case of person "feels" pushed back from acceleration direction in a car!

Thursday, October 24, 2013



Chem 4/5 - explained each of the relations between P,V,n, T in terms of collision frequency and force of collisions.
Wrote the mathematical relations between each pair; showed independent and dependent variables in each.
 - hand out printed explanations, tomorrow. Do gas collection over water problem!

Began stoichiometry problem involving "bulb" containers.

Chem 8 - continued Dalton's Laws, and then did a gas collection over water problem.
Do all gas law explanations, tomorrow.

APB - reviewed multiple choice of Forces Exam - threw out pendulum question; accepted algebraic sign answer of acceleration question (should have put magnitude in question).
Applied f, T, angular velocity, velocity relationships.

Began most important derivation of acceleration direction, and then magnitude!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Wednes-Day 2

Chem 5 - did GFM, T, P to density for a gas.
Explained in terms of collision frequency and collision KE/Force how gas pressure is caused.

7/8 - solution stoichiometry exam

APB - forces multiple choice exam.
Introduced/explained terms and relations for circular motion: r, d, C, T, f.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Tues-Day 1

Chem 4/5 Solution stoichiometry exam. One absent.
tomorrow, continue with gas laws and print out explanations.

8- did a density at T,P to GFM question.
Then explained Dalton's two gas laws, and did one application problem. Bring in extra copy of notes.

APB- free response Forces.
one absent.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Mon-Day 2

AP Chem 5- explained some tenets of K-M Theory as applied to the ideal gas law; conditions approaching ideal gas behavior; rearranged/permutations of ideal gas law to determine GFM and density at a given P,T, mass.
Solutions test tomorrow.

AP 7/8 - caught up to, in sync with 4/5.

APB - did complex review packet problems; reinforced sign conventions vs magnitudes.
upload remaining questions.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Fri-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - did consecutive reaction chemical engineering/quantitative analysis.
Showed that relying on math ratios without thinking results in magical impossible answers.

Began gas stoich with one stoich problem and then discussing the volume condition of ideal gas behavior.
Test on Tuesday.

8- did consecutive reaction stoich. Test on Wednesday.

APB- further practice with FBD setups: 3 mass contact problem; incline with friction; did accelerometer;
do most complex (consistency of a in atwood) problems on Monday, also finish lab.
Test Tuesday.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Thurs-Day 2

Chem 5 - finished solution stoich unit with the acid assay question.
Introduced gas stoich and gas law unit.
Forgot consecutive reactions: dp one problem of that on Friday.
Test on M-W
print out gas notes.

7/8 - finished redox titration assay and remaining problems; intro-ed gas unit.
as above...

APB - derived static coefficient of friction based on tilt angle to just get mass to move.
Showed how to solve system of equations via matrix on multiple rope tension question.
Did friction/kinematics problem with qualitative discussion of irrelevance of mass of object.

Almost done with coefficient of friction lab.

Review packets tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Wednes-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - did marathon solution stoich question followed by redox titration question and intro to final unit question on acid type determination. Tutorial on oxidizers.
Tomorrow: finish unit, and then begin gases.

8 - returned gas forming rxn quiz. Got into redox titration up to balancing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Tues-Day 2

Chem 5 - did qualitative analysis lab in which we identified four unknown salt solutions from a list of possibilities.

7/8 - finish silver oxidation solution stoich problem; start with questions, tomorrow. Finish unit tomorrow.
APB - reviewed quiz errors: Newton's third law; constant v moving object means that a= 0 m/s^2 if no direction change!
Did rope support problem; elevator derivation review and sensibility; rope in elevator question.
Then discussed friction: sliding/skidding and static.
Tomorrow: friction lab/ complex atwood/ ropes/ elevator.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Fri-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - did solution concentration trick question followed by more solution stoichiometry;
three more questions to do for the unit.
Tuesday will be single lab period.

8- did qualitative analysis lab; Tuesday quiz on gas forming reactions, and then try to finish sol'n stoich.

APB - Forces quiz; did three block with rope question; returned projectile exam (must hand out 4 more); did general solution for two mass hanging Atwood.
Derived elevator equation for apparent weight for any given M and a.

Post HW 15; finish remaining main types (multiple ropes on mass) on Tuesday -
Review packets W-F.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Thurs-Day 2

Chem 5 - finished solution stoichiometry final concentrations questions; did saturated solution "trick" question (no trick, just logic)?
Tomorrow - do multiple stoich permutations.

 7/8 - finished redox balancing up through solution stoichiometry final concentrations questions; did saturated solution "trick" question (no trick, just logic)

Tomorrow, qualitative analysis lab.

APB - did Newton II problems of contact forces and Atwood 1 setup general solution for horizontal and vertical block.
Tomorrow- elevator, multi-strings, and lab setup.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Wednes-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - took unit 3 exam

8- finished redox balancing; tomorrow, begin stoichiometry from redox balanced eq.
print out remaining notes.

APB - finished Newton organizer and 4 classic situations. Went over projectile exam part I.
Did packet problem on incline.
Gave out HW 13-14.

Select key problems tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Tues-Day 2

Chem 5 - did most of the solution stoichiometry problem, finishing with concentration of Mn 2+

Chem 7/8 - Unit 3 exam, though question 3 had a misprint in the CO2 mass value.

APB - Multiple choice projectile test; then Newton II organizer (almost done - up to FBD of 3 classic situations).

Monday, October 7, 2013


Mon-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - finished solution stoichiometry basics (no LR); covered possible question permutations.
Introduced redox balancing via half reaction in acid and in base; did 3 examples overall;
just started full stoichiometry question.

Chem 8- got up to intro to half reaction method - balance by mass step. Test tomorrow.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Fri-Day 2

Chem 5 - Continued with solution dilution, and began solution stoichiometry volumetric analysis.
Finish sulfide question on Monday.

Chem 7/8 - finished gas forming reactions and then got up to solution dilution and intro to volumetric analysis.

Test on Tuesday 7/8 and Wednesday 4/5.

APB - finished potato gun lab - upload spreadsheet to google - then link.
Continued Newton's 2nd Law problems getting F net external via vector addition.
Showed Ff always opposes motion direction.

Must do formal FBD and Newton II notation on Tuesday. Test Monday.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Thurs-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - quiz on empirical to molec formula from % comp. and grav. analysis.
Finished gas forming reactions.
Began solution stoichiometry - making solutions, determining mass of solute to add for a given concentration and volume of solution.
Derived dilution and concentration formulas - tomorrow, determine volume of solvent/water to add for a given dilution.

8- quiz; gas forming reactions except for base + ammonium salts.

APB - contact vs. action at a distance forces.
reviewed tenets of Newton III
Did inquiry lab on potato gun average velocity.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Wednes-Day 2

Chem 5 - reviewed unit 1,2 exam with advice; began 4 gas forming reactions up to acid + sulfide.
Gave out solution stoichiometry notes.

Tomorrow: Still forgot gravimetric analysis, Al correction!
Briefly do sig fig convention!

Chem 7/8 - finished limiting reactant problem and finished with Wohler synthesis LR problem.
Began gas reactions up to carbonate + acid.

APB- revisited Newton's first law, 2nd law, and 3rd law examples:
give written list, tomorrow.
Began packet of 2nd Law problems

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Tues-Day 1

Chem 4/5 - didn't get to correction of gravimetric question about M. Start with that and test review tomorrow. Also do 4 gas-forming reactions, then start solution stoich.

Finished the 1-butanol stoichiometry; explicitly showed the limiting and excess reactant determination criteria!
Did the synthesis of urea question completely.
Handed back unit 1 exam - go over every error and advise for all future tests via test-taking techniques and preparation.
Quiz Thursday.

Chem 8- finished butanol combustion question; reviewed test errors (forgot to do sig figs).
Got to limiting reactant problem mol calculations; begin with mol of reaction, tomorrow.

APB- Began Forces/Dynamics by elucidating Newton's 3 Laws.
Demonstrated Newton's first Law. Compile a list of more demos.
Distributed and worked on review packets.

Upload HW 11,12, Review Packet answers.

Tomorrow - begin Dynamics problem- make complete question sets.

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